Jeff's Math and Physics Pages
Elementary Music Theory from Math and Physics
Java Applet for Wave Reflections on a String
Symmetry Techniques in solving Physics Problems
Probability and Statistics
Hamiltonian Bifurcation Theory Applied to the Halo Periodic Orbits in the Restricted 3-Body Problem
These are my handwritten notes on various subjects, stored here so I
can see them whenever I want, and so there is a back-up copy.
- Linear Algebra without Orthogonality (Schuams/Strang writeup)
- Linear Algebra With OrthoGonality
- Strang LAAIA Ch 4, 5, 6
- Strang LAAIA Ch 4 Determinants
- Strang LAAIA Ch 5 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- Strang LAAIA Ch 5 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors contd
- Strang LAAIA Ch 6 Positive Definite Matrices
- Strang SVD Appendix A
- Strang misc in progress
- Linear Operators and Matrices
- Schuam's LA: Ch 11, 12 ,13
- Schuam's LA: Ch 11 Linear functionals, dual space
- Schuam's LA: Ch 12 Bilinear forms
- Schuam's LA: Ch 13 Inner Prod spaces
- Schuam's LA: Ch 13 Inner Prod spaces continued
- Schuam's LA: Ch 13 Inner Prod spaces continued real normal form
- Change of Basis
- The Symbols and What They Mean
- Loomis & Sternberg Adv Calc Ch 6
- Loomis & Sternberg Adv Calc Ch 9 part 1
- Loomis and Sternberg Ch 9 Differentiable Manifolds
- Loomis and Sternberg Ch 9 Differentiable Manifolds contd
- Loomis & Sternberg Adv Calc Ch 9 part 2
- Loomis & Sternberg Ch 9 WRITEUP
- Loomis & Sternberg Adv Calc Ch 11 end and Ch 13
- Loomis & Sternberg Adv Calc Ch 13 part 2
- DIFF EQS Boyce and DiPrima writeup
- Boyce and DiPrima 2
- Boyce and DiPrima ch 3 variation of parms
- Boyce and DiPrima Ch 6 Laplace transform
- Linear ODEs (Arrowsmith & Place, Hirch & Smale)
- Swokowski Ch 7: ln and e
- Swokowski Ch 8 Integration
- SwokowskiCWAG_Ch9001.pdf
- Common position vector calculations
- Marsden and Tromba VC Ch 1 writeup
- Marsden and Tromba VC Ch 2 writeup
- Marsden and Tromba VC Ch 2.3-4 dfferentiability improved
- Differentibility: Rosenthal class, Rudin POMA, Cheney
- (Marsden Ch 3.2) Differential Geometry of Curves
- Vector Identities from M&T Ch 3
- Marsden Tromba VC Ch 4.2 and 4.3
- Marsden Tromba ch 4.3 Bordered Hessians
- Waterhouse: Purkis Symmetry Principle
- Marsden Tromba VC Ch 4.4 Imp Fcn Thm
- Marsden Tromba VC Ch 5 and last page Ch 6 writeup
- MARSDEN and TROMBA VC Ch 6.5 and 6.6 integrating on surfaces
- Marsden and Tromba VC Ch 7.1 writeup
- Marsden and Tromba VC Ch 7.3 writeup
- Marsden and Tromba VC Ch 7 FLUIDS
- doCarmoDGOCAS_Ch2001.pdf
- doCarmo Ch 2 part 1
- doCarmo Ch 2 part 2
- doCarmo Ch 2 part 3
- doCarmo Ch 3 appendix
- Guillemin Pollack Differential Topology ch1.1 1.2
- Guillemin Pollack Differential Topology ch1.3 1.4
- Guillemin Pollack Differential Top ch 1.4 more
- Troutman VCWEC writeup
- Convexity
- Avez DC writeup 1 BOPP
- Avez DC Chapter 1 Derivatives in Banach Spaces
- Avez DC Chapter 1 continued
- Avez DC Chapter 1 continued
- Avez DC Chapter 3 Inverse and Implicit Function Thms and Cheney
- Avez DC Chapter 3 Inverse and Implicit Function Thms
- Avez DC Chapter 4 Higher order derivatives
- Avez DC Chapter 4 Higher order derivatives contd
- Flow Straightening in Avez Ch 7 8
- Avez DC writeup 2 BOPP
- Avez DC writeup 3 BOPP
- Symon Mechanics Inertia Tensor for Wedge p.426
- Symon Mechanics 3 Discs Inertia p.428
- Symmetry of Bodies and Eigenvalues of Inertia Tensor
- Generalized Work Kinetic Energy Thm
- Fowles Ch 1 Summarized and Enhanced
- Fowles Ch 2 Summarized and Enhanced
- Fowles Ch 4 Summarized and Enhanced
- Main papers for co-ord transforms Fowles Ch5
- Fowles Ch 6
- Fowles Ch 7 Summarized and Enhanced
- Fowles Ch 8 Mechanics of Rigid Bodies
- Kinematics Euler's theorem Chasles
- Gravitational Force from Sperical Shell
- Loaded String (Analytical solution)
- B&J VMFE Enhanced summary Ch1, Ch 3
- B&J VMFE Ch 5
- B&J VMFE Ch 9
- Marsden&Hughes Cauchy Stress Tensor
- Marsden&Hughes Cauchy Stress Tensor
- Marsden&Hughes Cauchy Stress Tensor
- Marion Ch 10 (rough)
- Marion Ch 10 more (rough)
- Water Rotating in Bucket
- Arnold MMOCM ch 6
- Moment of Inertia and Inertia Tensor
- Benson UP Ch14 Fluids 1
- Benson UP Ch14 Fluids 2
- Benson UP Ch18 Thermo
- Benson UP Ch19 1st Law
- Benson UP Ch20 Kinetics
- Benson UP Ch21 2nd Law Entropy
- Misc (unfinished Moment Of Inertia things)
- BJ Ch 18 sample probs
- Rotations - [contains errors currently]
- Velocity and Acceleration in polar co-ordinates
- 1999 sheets on ON Co-ord transforms + translation
- Deriving Invariance of Newton's Law under Gallilean Transforms
- Lagrange Points Danby
- Vectors and Axial Vectors
- Chemistry - Boikess Ch 2
- Chemistry Ch 3
- Chemistry Ch 4
- Chemistry Ch 11 Properties of Solutions
- Math Symmetry
- Physics Symmetry
- How Do Forces Transform?
- Ropes, Pulleys and Tension
- Wave Reflections from Main VAWIP
- Everything about waves
- Abstract Algebra
- Abstract Algebra Symmetric group on n letters
- Cross Product
- Calculation of matrix commuting with cross product
- Quadrics: Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola
- Reflection and Rotation Symmetry
- Electrical Units
- Voltmeters and How to Use Them
- Halliday and Resnick- Electrical Chapters
- FeynmanElectric_Vol2001.pdf
- Euclidean Geometry 1
- Euclidean Geometry 2
- Euclidean Geometry 3 Circles, Thales Thm
- Euclidean Geometry 4 Circles, Inscribed Angles, Ptolemy
- Circle Inversions 1 (rough - need to recopy)
- Circle Inversions 2 (rough)
- Marsden Tromba ch 4.3 Bordered Hessians
- Waterhouse: Purkis Symmetry Principle
- Eves A Survey Of Geometry Ch 2
- Inversion In a Circle paper
- cheney_ch3_hilbert
- Descartes Rule of Signs
Work related
Coming someday, perhaps, some commentary on:
Liouville-Arnold-Jost theorem
Electric circut theory
Stock Market analysis
A clear formulation of the principle of virtual work
Surface area
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