Theory of Temperament and Meantone

Jeff Jensen         Feb 2005


  1. A Chain of Perfect 3rd Harmonics
  2. Acoustic Landmarks
  3. 12-equal, Meantone(s), and Irregular Temperaments
  4. Ideas for further work
  5. Source code to generate the diagrams and tables
  6. Home page and contact information


Temperament is the art of cleverly compromising between competing, and mutually exclusive, acoustical and musical goals. I have struggled for a long time to understand meantone temperaments, why exactly certain keys should be unplayable, and what does it mean when people say things like "¼-comma meantone is the same thing as 31-equal temperament", or if that is even true. The following represents my best attempt to make sense of it all, with what I believe are some novel diagrams and mathematical expressions [but if anything is original here, there is also a good chance that it is a mistake, so I would appreciate any corrections!].

I try to draw as many pictures and give as many tables as possible. The focus is on physics, not number theory, so there is a lot of talk about harmonics and iterative calculation by computer replaces a discussion of continued fractions. By going a different route, you see different scenery! You could generate the Pythagorean scale fractions from (3/2)n with octave equivalence rescaling by powers of 2, but I find it more pedantically sound to work with 3n with rescaling 2, since that brings out sharply that it is the 3rd harmonic underneath it all. I don't want to give a cookbook of the various values in cents of the notes in a bunch of different tunings, which is very well done in many places, most notable J.M. Barbour's Tuning and Temperament. I want to understand the general principles behind them. But don't worry; there is nothing here more advanced than high school algebra.

This discussion is based in a large part on Mathematics and Music by Dave Benson Specifically, portions of chapter 5 and 6 and Appendicies E and J. Indeed, the presentation I give grew out of attempting to understand Benson's material, and could be considered a reworking and extension of what he has.

I would like to thank Manuel Op de Coul and Pierre Lewis for reading this and pointing out certain specific errors to me; any remaining ones I am responsible for.

A Chain of Perfect 3rd Harmonics (Pythagorean scales)

Largely of historical interest today (although it is still played by proponents of early music) the Pythagorean scale is, for us, a theoretical springboard; the simplest case which illustrates all the others. The following diagram is usually called the Spiral of 5ths. "5th" refers to adjacent notes in the spiral being 5 notes in a diatonic scale apart: g is 5 scale steps up from c, which is 5 steps up from f and so on. I think it is much clearer to observe that what is really going on is that the pitch of g is the pitch of the 3rd harmonic of c, rescaled by an apporpriate factor of 2 (in this case 1/2) so that all the notes lie in the same octave. This holds for all the other notes as well. Below I will give explicit formulas for calculating these values.

The spiral is to emphasize that notes that are equal in pitch (enharmonic) in the standard 12-equal temperament are not equal here ( thus g## is not quite the same pitch as a, which in turn is not the same pitch as bbb).

Fig. 1

The Pythagorean generating function is, for an integer n:
Py(n) = 3n 2κ(n; 3)
where κ(n; 3) is the unique integer in the interval   [ n log(3)/log(2) - 1,   n log(3)/log(2) ]
Thus 2κ(n; 3) is the octave rescaling factor. You can see it depends also on the parameter 3 (the 3rd harmonic); this will be modified when we discuss meantone temperament below.

Here is a table I have calculated of the values of the Pythagorean function Py(n), which I have found frequently useful for reference purposes. You can see how the power of 2 does not vary in any clean, simple way with the power of 3. (The source code to generate this table as large as you like is available at the end of this document).

Table 1: Pythagorean fractions
Index Three Two Fractional Value Note Name
20 320 2-31 3486784401 / 2147483648 F###
19 319 2-30 1162261467 / 1073741824 B##
18 318 2-28 387420489 / 268435456 E##
17 317 2-26 129140163 / 67108864 A##
16 316 2-25 43046721 / 33554432 D##
15 315 2-23 14348907 / 8388608 G##
14 314 2-22 4782969 / 4194304 C##
13 313 2-20 1594323 / 1048576 F##
12 312 2-19 531441 / 524288 B#
11 311 2-17 177147 / 131072 E#
10 310 2-15 59049 / 32768 A#
9 39 2-14 19683 / 16384 D#
8 38 2-12 6561 / 4096 G#
7 37 2-11 2187 / 2048 C#
6 36 2-9 729 / 512 F#
5 35 2-7 243 / 128 B
4 34 2-6 81 / 64 E
3 33 2-4 27 / 16 A
2 32 2-3 9 / 8 D
1 31 2-1 3 / 2 G
0 30 20 1 C
-1 3-1 22 4 / 3 F
-2 3-2 24 16 / 9 Bb
-3 3-3 25 32 / 27 Eb
-4 3-4 27 128 / 81 Ab
-5 3-5 28 256 / 243 Db
-6 3-6 210 1024 / 729 Gb
-7 3-7 212 4096 / 2187 Cb
-8 3-8 213 8192 / 6561 Fb
-9 3-9 215 32768 / 19683 Bbb
-10 3-10 216 65536 / 59049 Ebb
-11 3-11 218 262144 / 177147 Abb
-12 3-12 220 1048576 / 531441 Dbb
-13 3-13 221 2097152 / 1594323 Gbb
-14 3-14 223 8388608 / 4782969 Cbb
-15 3-15 224 16777216 / 14348907 Fbb
-16 3-16 226 67108864 / 43046721 Bbbb
-17 3-17 227 134217728 / 129140163 Ebbb
-18 3-18 229 536870912 / 387420489 Abbb
-19 3-19 231 2147483648 / 1162261467 Dbbb
-20 3-20 232 4294967296 / 3486784401 Gbbb

A good way to draw circle of 5ths-type scales

Here is an illustrative diagram of how the Pythagorean sequence of notes is generated and rescaled into a single octave. Note that the vertical axis is log scaled. The straight red line has slope log(3) and it represents ascending by powers of 3. The jagged blue line represents the appropriate power of 2 to rescale the power of 3. This type of diagram will prove useful for us for showing many things later on.
log( 3n 2κ(n) ) = n log(3) + κ(n) log(2)
= Q(n) - R(n)

where R(n) := -κ(n) log(2)

In Figure 2, this is illustrated for n = 7; the length of segment Q(7) minus R(7) shows the position inside the horizontal strip for the note. If any two note values would coincide, then we could stop the infinite sequence of generating new notes. (More on this in the next section).

Fig. 2

The closing condition

It isn't practical to have an infinite number of notes, so we have to cut off the progression. We have to stop at some point on the Sharps branch and at some point on the Flats branch, and we have to join the branches together. Cutting off the progression of notes arbitrarily produces wolf intervals (which we shall discuss in detail later) What are good closing points? Ideally, two notes would be equal and we wouldn't have an infinite progression. Let us show that this can never happen. Suppose, for n≠m, two notes would be equal:
3n 2κ(n) = 3m 2κ(m)
3(n - m) = 2(κ(m)- κ(n) )
But this is impossible, because the left hand side is prime factored, and it contains only 3s while the right is prime factored into only 2s, so they can never be equal! Thus the pure 3rd harmonic sequence never repeats itself, it is infinite (although if you generate it far enough, the numbers get arbitrarily close) Let us examine some good cutoff points:

Observe that 3 = 2α for α = log(3)/log(2)
then 3m = 2α m. Let p be the nearest whole number to αm. Then we need only use a calculator to get the values for αm for each positive integer m; the ones that are close to integers are good oportunities for the cycle of 5ths to close:

Table 2: Some good closing points for the pure 3rd harmonic sequence
m (power of 3) value α m p (power of 2)
12 19.0195 19
41 64.98 65
53 84.003 84
306 484.9985 485

Now let's compare this very simple method with a brute force calculation using a Perl script

(Almost) Symmetric generation of notes by the script

Starting at n = 0 for c, the script generates the next note on the sharps branch (namely g for n=1 ) and checks it against all previous notes generated to see which one it is closest to in pitch. Then it generates the next note on the flats branch (namely f for n = -1 ) and checks this note against the previous collection [See Fig 1]. It keeps going in this manner until it reaches the maximum number of iterations that was on the command line when the script was invoked. Here is the syntax to run the script:
perl -w 30 CLOSING > table.html
and look at the output file table.html with your web browser. The first argument, the number 30, was the maximum number of iterations to do; it will calculate 30 pairs of notes, one on the sharps branch and one on the flats. The second argument, the string CLOSING, tells the script which action to execute; there are a number of posibile actions, and they have all been used at various points in the development of this web page.

Table 3: closing points with pure 3rd Harmonic
Count of notes
m =
notes in scale
New note
New note
Best match
Best match
Distance in cents
6 5 A 33 2-4 3-2 24 Bb 90.2249956730629
13 12 Gb 3-6 210 36 2-9 F# 23.4600103846492
42 41 C### 321 2-33 3-20 232 Gbbb 19.844964519116
54 53 F4# 327 2-42 3-26 242 D4b 3.61504586553314
307 306 G22b 3-153 2243 3153 2-242 F22# 1.76973519144986

So what do we see comparing Table 3 with Table 2?
Observe that if we generate 13 notes in the symmetric manner described above, then gb almost coincides with f#. This is the m = 12 row in Table 2. Every additional new note generated is that exact distance from its enharmonic equivalent until we get to the count of 42; (that is m = 41). Finally when we have generated 307 notes, we note that the -153rd one ( g with 22 flats ) comes extremely close to the +153rd one ( f with 22 sharps ). And you can keep on going, if you are so inclined...

An "Amazing Coincidence"...

Let us look at Table 3 in more detail. In particular, lets compute all the intermediate values. From looking at the generating function Py(n) = 3n · 2κ(n) I would naively think that the best closing distance would vary quite a bit from note to note as they are generated, but in fact the distance is always the same, until points when it decreases in steps! This is apparent from looking at the following table (where there is some variation in the last decimal place, but that is just due to numerical round off errors).

Table 4: More detail of closing behavior
Count New note name new note value best match value best match Name Distance in cents
4 D 32 2-3 30 20 C 203.910001730775
5 Bb 3-2 24 30 20 C 203.910001730775
6 A 33 2-4 3-2 24 Bb 90.2249956730629
7 Eb 3-3 25 32 2-3 D 90.2249956730627
8 E 34 2-6 3-1 22 F 90.2249956730629
9 Ab 3-4 27 31 2-1 G 90.2249956730627
10 B 35 2-7 30 20 C 90.2249956730629
11 Db 3-5 28 30 20 C 90.2249956730631
12 F# 36 2-9 31 2-1 G 90.2249956730629
13 Gb 3-6 210 36 2-9 F# 23.4600103846492
14 C# 37 2-11 3-5 28 Db 23.460010384649
15 Cb 3-7 212 35 2-7 B 23.4600103846492
16 G# 38 2-12 3-4 27 Ab 23.460010384649
17 Fb 3-8 213 34 2-6 E 23.460010384649
18 D# 39 2-14 3-3 25 Eb 23.460010384649
19 Bbb 3-9 215 33 2-4 A 23.4600103846492
20 A# 310 2-15 3-2 24 Bb 23.460010384649
21 Ebb 3-10 216 32 2-3 D 23.4600103846492
22 E# 311 2-17 3-1 22 F 23.460010384649
23 Abb 3-11 218 31 2-1 G 23.460010384649
24 B# 312 2-19 30 20 C 23.460010384649
25 Dbb 3-12 220 30 20 C 23.460010384649
26 F## 313 2-20 31 2-1 G 23.460010384649
27 Gbb 3-13 221 3-1 22 F 23.460010384649
28 C## 314 2-22 32 2-3 D 23.460010384649
29 Cbb 3-14 223 3-2 24 Bb 23.460010384649
30 G## 315 2-23 33 2-4 A 23.460010384649
31 Fbb 3-15 224 3-3 25 Eb 23.460010384649
32 D## 316 2-25 34 2-6 E 23.460010384649
33 Bbbb 3-16 226 3-4 27 Ab 23.460010384649
34 A## 317 2-26 35 2-7 B 23.460010384649
35 Ebbb 3-17 227 3-5 28 Db 23.4600103846492
36 E## 318 2-28 36 2-9 F# 23.460010384649
37 Abbb 3-18 229 3-6 210 Gb 23.460010384649
38 B## 319 2-30 37 2-11 C# 23.460010384649
39 Dbbb 3-19 231 3-7 212 Cb 23.460010384649
40 F### 320 2-31 38 2-12 G# 23.460010384649
41 Gbbb 3-20 232 3-8 213 Fb 23.460010384649
42 C### 321 2-33 3-20 232 Gbbb 19.844964519116
43 Cbbb 3-21 234 320 2-31 F### 19.8449645191159
44 G### 322 2-34 3-19 231 Dbbb 19.8449645191158
45 Fbbb 3-22 235 319 2-30 B## 19.8449645191159
46 D### 323 2-36 3-18 229 Abbb 19.8449645191158
47 B4b 3-23 237 318 2-28 E## 19.8449645191159
48 A### 324 2-38 3-17 227 Ebbb 19.844964519116
49 E4b 3-24 239 317 2-26 A## 19.8449645191159
50 E### 325 2-39 3-16 226 Bbbb 19.8449645191158
51 A4b 3-25 240 316 2-25 D## 19.8449645191159
52 B### 326 2-41 3-15 224 Fbb 19.8449645191158
53 D4b 3-26 242 315 2-23 G## 19.8449645191159
54 F4# 327 2-42 3-26 242 D4b 3.61504586553314
55 G4b 3-27 243 326 2-41 B### 3.61504586553324
56 C4# 328 2-44 3-25 240 A4b 3.61504586553314
57 C4b 3-28 245 325 2-39 E### 3.61504586553324

...And Its Resolution

The right picture clears everything up, and in discussions of temperament, the right picture is usually log scaled. Let us draw a picture where the octave rescaling function κ plays no role. The pure 3rd harmonic sequence is generated by 3n, and when the y-axis is log scaled, the points y(n) = n log(3) form a straight line. [This also has relevance to α-comma meantone, which we discuss next, and indeed any generated sequence of notes of the form θ n].

Fig. 3

The diagram shows a note high up on the line matching with another note m positions in the flats direction behind it. Δp represents all the vertical distance that can be cancelled out by octave equivalence; the leftover portion δ represents the pitch difference between the two notes when they are put into the same octave.

If we have a straight diagonal line like this, then obviously we can slide the right angle "elbow" piece up and down the line and the relationship between m, Δp and δ still holds. Thus:
δ = distance( f#, gb ) = distance( c#, db ) = ... = distance( b##, c# ) ...

The determining factor is the range of allowable values for the length m; for 1 ≤ m ≤ 40 the best we can do is m = 12 then p = 19 and δ = 23.46001038...¢ (the Pythagorean comma ρ) but allow m to reach as high as 53 and then p = 485 really makes δ small!

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Perl source code to generate these tables.  

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